Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Drive - Day 2

Tuesday morning came much too early. Jessica and I got up, ate some free continental breakfast at the hotel, and drove away in search of Target. By this point, (after one whole day of driving) my sunburn was in desperate need of some aloe. I found some in the Super Target, which by the way is an even cooler Target. Who knew it could get cooler?

Then, we set off again. We were out of Utah and into Wyoming pretty quickly and soon got terribly bored by the lack of scenery. Except for a million billboards, Wyoming is monotonous. We saw lots of buttes, billboards, and firework superstores! Very exciting! We also saw about a million signs for Little America, a hotel/reststop in the middle of Wyoming. There was a new sign about every 50 feet! Apparently their advertising worked, 'cause that's where we stopped. There weren't that many places to stop and they had gone to the trouble of advertising their clean bathrooms. Always a plus! Later on in Wyoming, we did see a real-life cowboy herding his cattle with his dog. That almost made Wyoming interesting. One thing I did really like about Wyoming was the consistent speed limit of 75 with a minimum of 40. I found those signs hilarious!

After what seemed liked days (but was only hours), we crossed into Nebraska. We decided that a couple extra hours driving that day would be worth the $25 price for a room at Union. Most of Nebraska was driven through in the dark, which was probably a good thing. We arrived almost on the east coast, Lincoln, at about 2:30 am and checked into our guestroom in the girls' dorm. When we finally had figured out which building and which entrance, we rang the bell and surprise, surprise, one of my high school friends who was working the front desk came and greeted us. It was fun to see Angela, if only for a couple minutes, since I haven't seen her since graduation. We fell into bed, mightily exhausted and rather hot from the Nebraska humidity.

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