Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Randomness of My Life

This morning, on a day on my vacation, I get a phone call before 9 am informing me that a whole crew on contractors would like to see my apartment. Since vacation meant time to finally do some thorough cleaning of the place, which of course I have not yet gotten to, I rush to throw on some clothes, pick up some of my messier areas, and try to make the place look as presentable as possible in 5 minutes. About 7 men then proceed to come in and stand around in my living room and, who knows where else, as I sit just outside so as to be as unembarrassed as possible. And did I mention? Oh yes, it has started to snow...again!

Now, I didn't have amazingly great plans for today. I had hoped to go see a movie, which we canceled because we're a bunch of wimps who don't want to try driving around in the snow. But on top of that, I had to deal with these contractors at practically the crack of dawn. (Okay, a bit of exaggeration, but if you've ever been around my while I'm on vacation, I do not appreciate being awoken before 9.) And there were mostly very kind and polite gentlemen, except that one of the fellows, who is not a contractor but an elder from the conference, I have had to deal with before and he has left a bad taste in my mouth. Today's semi-politeness did not really make up for the last few times when he was rather rude to me. You try getting 50 teenage girls to clean up after themselves, buddy!

Anyway, apparently I just needed to vent a little. I feel a bit better and hopefully someone can find my pain amusing. :)

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